There I am.
I love to take photos (and these are some of my travel photos, from Montreal and the lake region north of Milan) but that’s not, strictly speaking, on topic for this blog. Sure, it’s Sunday, and I’d much rather share an artifact from a non-obiligated sphere of interest. Normally, upon waking and shaking out the cobwebs, my Sunday is also a day of work. It’s the best time to respond to the 24/7 requests that come in — both as a matter of respect for my clients own time, and to gain advantage over my competition. Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today.
However, tomorrow (Monday), I’m in class. I won’t be at the dealership to continue a conversation that I start today (Sunday). So I won’t be — what I value above all — truly helpful by reaching out today.
Just one of the many incremental changes going on in my professional life. It’s not a one-man effort to serve our customers online any longer. My role is to be just as helpful to my coworkers as I have been to our shoppers, in getting them confident and productive in representing our business online.
Today, I’m experiencing that stunning glimpse of the obvious: I can’t do this all by myself.